Monday, 27 June 2011


I have one week until I find out if the last three long years of university were worth it.

Just thinking about it is increasing my heartbeat. I'm truly terrified. I feel I've worked hard, and tried my hardest these past three years, but I have the usual nagging fear that my grades might not be good enough...that I'll get a 2:2 instead of a 2:1. A difference of a grade could mean weeping or whooping and it makes me feel physically sick.

I almost completely lost my mind in my third year, with all the work and stress. I hope it was worth it. If you'd like to see the website I created with my group members Rachel Dalton and Lucy Smith, you can find it here or the accompanying website for the vintage lifestyle magazine I created (by myself I may add), it is here.

On top of that I had a dissertation and business of journalism coursework to do. Word to the wise, be prepared for third year, the workload is huge, so schedule yourself!

I suppose all I can do is hope, I've tried my hardest and there isn't anything more I can do this next week, except wait...